

Introducing the categories: GPT, How-To, Utilities, Info, and Reviews, where GPT and Utilities are independent categories, and Info, Reviews, and How-To are categories in the Post area that consist of text and images only.

Category list

Category description


  • GPT is a category that provides information on how to create and use customized GPTs in chatgpt.

Efficient Korean summary chatbot

This is a GPT for Hangul only that summarizes Hangul as efficiently as possible for your Hangul summary chatbot. Click the image below to use it immediately. Hangul Summary Chatbot...


  • Utilities is a category for creating and uploading generative tools, etc. that have a narrower scope of functionality than GPT. The advantage is that you can use free online tools out of the box.

How to

  • Methods is the category for posting How To's. This is where things like how to use, how to do, etc. are uploaded.


  • About is a category that introduces a variety of information. For example, "Youth Tomorrow Savings Account Eligibility", "GPT4o Launch", etc.

Chatbots launched by Coupang

Coupang GPT is a chatbot released by Coupang. OpenAI released ChatGPT4o on May 14th at 1am Korea time, and there is a GPT called Coupang, so I'm sharing it. Seeing that the author is ChatGPT...


  • This category is for sharing things you've tried and found useful.

WordPress vs Tistory: The Debate

Hi, I'm the nnnln admin. I'd like to thank you, the 2,000+ visitors who visit us every day, and share some of our thoughts and decisions about WordPress and Tistory. It's a long post, but it's...


IOS 18 beta bug issues and workarounds

It's been about two weeks since I updated my iPhone to the IOS 18 beta, and while I'm not having any major issues at the moment, there is one thing that's bothering me that I'd like to share. IOS...